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Blkosiner's Book Blog

Review YA and Teen books with the occasional NA thrown in.

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He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear From God
Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore
Sarah Crossan
New Day, New You: 366 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life
Joyce Meyer
Politically Incorrect Wife with Study Guide
Connie Grigsby, Nancy Cobb
The Power of a Praying® Parent
Stormie Omartian
Breaking Nova - Jessica Sorensen I got lost in Nova's story. It is so powerful emotionally because she has so much pain and heartache and break in her past, and to watch her figure out who she is and how to deal with that pain is such a journey. I think that I also connected with her on a personal level because my dad committed suicide, and she found her boyfriend Landon after he killed himself. That on top of losing her dad, I was so invested in her, and gave me hope to watch her begin to heal and find herself in this huge swirl of emotions and in the scary world where it seems that most people just don't understand. Quinton also brinks a perspective that I haven't read much about, the secrets of his past are just as painful and hard to get past, and it is interesting to see the extremes that depression, guilt and feeling left behind can do to people. There was such chemistry between the two, and they sparked something in the other, a desire to feel again, a reason besides their once beloveds that stirs their heart. I will say though that the constant talk of weed got to me. I understand that it gave them a numbness and a second to forget and not feel, but I understand they are doing something they never once would. I get the need and addiction, but it just felt to me that it was to entwined into everything and that is time that could have been better spent working on the character development or the chemistry. The secondary characters bring things to the table as well. Nova's friend Delilah is quite the character, and I am glad that she accepted Nova. There were some rocky points in the friendship and it was hard to see her hurting but going back for more with her on again off again boyfriend. The ending was nice, but it also didn't really give me the wrap up that I wanted with Quinton. But there was an excerpt from the next book, so I know their story continues and I can't wait to see where that goes. Bottom Line: Powerful story with very hurt characters.