I absolutely loved this story, as I loved the rest of the series. Mead has the ability to draw me into her world, and make me feel personally invested in her characters. It was amazing to see how Rose grew and changed not only in Blood Promise but in this story, yet still kept her strength, sarcasm, and basically the essence of why we love and admire Rose. Mead also brought Lissa to the forefront a bit more in this novel, which did not diminish the story. I love how she really got on board with helping Rose and seemed to finally reciprocate the loyalty and dedication that Rose shows for her in a huge way.And, oh, the love triangle.I can't make up my mind if I want her to be with Dimitri or Adrian. I think that she has told the story so well, to have me so torn, and not being able to get this off of my mind. Though, more and more I think I am leaning to Adrian, just because he seems to love her and give so much for her, plus I have this feeling that Dimitri will BE the Last Sacrifice, and he will die. I just think-- why introduce Adrian, make him such a major character, and make us love him if he isn't going to end up with Rose. We could have had Mason not die, and be that role. So I know that saying this is making me into the minority but I want her to be with Adrian. I think that she made the right choice by saying that she is REALLY going to give him a change after Dimitri was rejecting her. I mean really-- "Love fades, mine has?" Talk about break my heart. It seems that part of the attraction with their relationship was that it was so forbidden, and looking back it seems that Dimitri was always holding back, and never giving his whole self to Rose, and a relationship can't be like that. It is bad timing for Adrian, but I think that Rose can forget, and give herself to him.